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Hand Sanitizer



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Beaver Bulk vending machine Hand Sanitizer






18 mL/ 82 pcs | 60 mL/ 62 pcs

Prior to COVID-19 few locations here and there provided a pump that could be used by one entrance door, however, this was a costly option for the location, difficult to place at all entrances, required every person to come in contact with the dispenser to utilize the hand sanitizer and was a one time solution when passing by.

Simple and safe to use, requiring zero contact with the machine

  • Credit card activated using tap or swipe.
  • In less than 3 seconds a bottle of hand sanitizer is dispensed

For each person that takes advantage of purchasing a hand sanitizer from one of our machines, not only are they making a safe decision for themselves, but also they are slowing the spread of their germs to the rest of the community.

This allows access to hand sanitizer products to be available in previously inaccessible locations regardless of time of day, and allows the person to walk away with the bottle, increasing their ability to continue to use the product once they depart from their location.

Installs in minutes in a variety of locations such as

  • Government Offices
  • Restroom Facilities
  • Highway Rest Stops
  • Schools, Universities
  • Transit Stations
  • Shopping Centers
  • Arenas, Concert Venues
  • Theme Parks

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